Being in an auto collision can put you in a precarious position financially, legally, and physically, as well as upset your sense of stability and safety. While nothing can truly put you in the position you were in before this harmful event, filing an insurance claim or tort lawsuit to recoup your damages may bring you a sense of empowerment. Additionally, if you secure benefits, you may get the resources you deserve and need to begin to move forward.
A Lake County car accident lawyer understands your pain and frustration and welcomes the chance to collaborate with you to protect your legal rights. We have helped many in the fight to help them pursue justice after another—such as a negligent driver or car manufacturer—causes them harm. Our knowledgeable personal injury attorneys respect your vulnerability and have the training and resources to help you.
Frequent Reasons Why Motor Vehicle Wrecks Occur
Many types of driver behavior, mechanical issues, weather, and road conditions can create conditions for a collision. For example, a distracted motorist who is on their phone may not be able to see or appropriately respond to a hazard in the street—such as a child running to a neighbor’s house or a vehicle that suddenly stops—leading to a dangerous crash. Likewise, a sudden rainstorm may cause flash flooding and slick driving conditions that make it difficult for drivers to see what is in front of them and to operate their cars safely.
Additionally, careless auto companies may skirt regulations, leading them to create subpar parts that malfunction or are unfit for use. As a result, motorists may get into accidents they would not have or they may experience more serious harm than they would have had the auto company done their jobs correctly.
Under Florida Statutes § 316.065, the casualty of a collision is responsible for reporting a crash to the appropriate law enforcement agency if the incident appears to have resulted in property damage over $500, injury, or death. A motor vehicle accident attorney in Lake County could be a resource for those who are in a crash and need help determining what steps to take next to protect them financially, physically, and legally.
Rules About Getting Compensation After an Auto Collision
As discussed in Fla. Stat. § 627.731, Florida is a no-fault insurance state, which means a motorist should carry an appropriate policy for personal injury protection to cover their damages if they get into a wreck. Fla. Stat. § 627.736 describes what minimum limits the policy should have for things like medical expenses and disability (e.g., lost wages). When pursuing a settlement in this manner, the injured person may not have to prove fault in order to receive this payout; instead, they usually just have to file a claim with their insurer and follow the administrative steps for that process.
When the casualty requests financial relief for damage to their vehicle, however, they may have to prove some level of fault, depending on the situation. When a casualty sustains severe injuries—such as those that cause permanent disability or a significant loss of function—Fla. Stat. § 627.737 may allow them to bypass the ordinary no-fault insurance process and file a tort lawsuit instead. Taking this route allows the injured person to request a wider range of compensation, including things like pain, suffering, and mental anguish.
A seasoned motor vehicle wreck attorney can help a person in Lake County understand their right to receive a fair settlement from those who harmed them because of negligence. Our lawyers can carefully review the record and find ways to maximize how much a person may receive from the individual or institution responsible for what occurred.
Call an Automobile Crash Attorney in Lake County for Assistance
When your life is turned upside down because of a drunk, distracted, or dangerous driver, you deserve to have your voice heard and to receive acknowledgment for your losses. While Florida insurance law may allow you to request a settlement through the claims process, these benefits may not completely cover the full extent of your damages. A reputable attorney could help you discover and pursue other legal channels to bring you closer to getting what you need and are entitled to.
You do not have to take these steps alone, nor would doing so be in your best interest. Get in touch with our team today to connect with a Lake County car accident lawyer during a no-obligation consultation. We could provide personalized, responsive, and targeted recommendations to help you get your life back on track.