Paraplegia injuries take an emotional and financial toll by causing the loss of function, movement ability, and sensation in the lower half of the body. The injuries usually result from accidents causing a significant blow or jolt, leading to spinal cord damage.
Loss of mobility, also called paralysis, affects both legs and sometimes the trunk, which causes difficulties with mobility and sensation below the point of trauma and may also cause bowel and bladder control problems. While paralysis injuries alone can have devastating consequences, they can feel overwhelming when they happen because of someone else’s carelessness. Call an experienced Inverness paraplegia injury lawyer for more information. A paralysis injury attorney is ready to discuss your legal options.
Typical Causes of Paraplegia
Those with paraplegia have paralysis below the waist, and some of the typical causes in personal injury cases include:
Any accident causing the individual to sustain a blow or trauma to the spinal cord or surrounding area can leave them with long-term or permanent paralysis of the limbs. An Inverness attorney understands the hardship a person faces, especially when a paraplegia injury happens because of someone else’s reckless disregard for the safety of others, and could fight for a just settlement.
The Physical and Emotional Impact
The physical impact of paraplegia often feels long and grueling for those suffering from it. They usually require long-term rehabilitation and physical therapy.
Catastrophic injuries cause more than physical obstacles to overcome and also involve overcoming significant mental and emotional injuries. The aftermath can often feel like a profoundly emotional voyage, with different states, such as grief, denial, anger, and depression. The process is usually physically taxing and emotionally exhausting.
The Statute of Limitations
When someone suffers bodily harm because of another’s negligence, they have a limited time to seek damages through a personal injury lawsuit. The time limit for filing the case is provided by the statute of limitations. Under Florida Statute § 95.11(4)(a), the maximum time to seek damages is two years from the date the person sustained a paraplegia injury in an accident.
The court will dismiss cases filed after the statutory deadline expires, except for a few exceptions. If the person suffered injuries as the cause of action, leaving them mentally incapacitated, or they were under 18 years old, the civil court may grant an extension.
Potential Damages
While there is no standard award for damages people receive for personal injury lawsuits, catastrophic injuries, such as paraplegia, have a massive impact on the individual’s life. Therefore, the compensation amount may be significant. The potential damages may include the total cost of healthcare, lost pay, benefits, earning potential, permanent disability, inconvenience, and loss of the enjoyment of life. A paraplegia injury lawyer in Inverness understands the civil court process and could help gather the crucial evidence to secure the maximum award to cover damages and losses.
Call a Practiced Paraplegia Injury Attorney in Inverness Today
You have every right to take action and hold the liable party responsible if you sustained a paraplegia injury in an avoidable accident. While money cannot change what happens, it can alleviate financial stress and provide medical and ongoing physical and emotional care.
The civil court process can be time-consuming, frustrating, and confusing. A compassionate and skilled Inverness paraplegia injury lawyer could provide sound legal advice and guidance to help reach the best potential outcome in your case. Please keep in mind there is a strict deadline for filing your case, and prompt action is necessary to ensure compliance. Call soon to review your case and options.