Whether it was a motor vehicle accident or a workplace chemical or electrical mishap, you may be dealing with accidental burns that can range from serious to catastrophic. When the burns result from another person’s careless action or inaction, the law recognizes a theory of negligence to right the wrong.
Hiring a Lake County burn injury lawyer is the best way to handle your fight for financial compensation. Your income may have taken a massive, unexpected hit from medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. Your task is to concentrate on restoring your health as quickly as possible. Let our catastrophic injury attorneys focus on developing a successful lawsuit.
What Is Negligence?
Negligence holds a wrongdoer financially liable if their actions or inaction caused injury to a person to whom the wrongdoer owes a duty of care. For example, a motor vehicle driver owes a duty of care to other drivers and pedestrians on the road to drive at a safe speed and with reasonable care given the road conditions.
To prevail, a burn injury attorney in Lake County must prove the defendant owed the injured person a duty of care, breached that duty of care, and the breach caused the impacted person’s injuries.
What Financial Compensation Is Available?
The court may award several types of damages to an injured person who succeeds in proving their case. The court may award economic damages, non-economic damages, and punitive damages. Economic damages include medical expenses, transportation costs to appointments, rehabilitation expenses, and lost wages. Non-economic damages include pain and suffering, loss of consortium, and emotional distress. In certain cases, the court may award punitive damages to punish egregious acts and deter future behavior.
Why Hire a Lawyer After Sustaining a Burn Injury
A lot of work goes into filing a lawsuit. Our law firm has the resources to investigate the facts, interview witnesses, and compile and preserve evidence for the court. An injured person can focus on recovery instead of worrying about preparing a legal claim.
An experienced burn injury lawyer in Lake County knows the local laws and regulations that affect a lawsuit. One essential law is the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations prescribes the period an injured person has to file a lawsuit. The statute’s time and exceptions vary depending on the type of case and the jurisdiction. In addition, each lawsuit is unique. That is why a person should rely on skilled lawyers to understand how the law applies to a particular case. In Florida, the statute of limitations requires a person to file their lawsuit within two years following accidental burn injury.
Since Florida is a no-fault state, motor vehicle accident victims must file claims for personal injuries with their own insurance company.
Contact a Lake County Burn Injury Attorney Today
Keeping up with the changes in laws and regulatory guidance can confuse litigants. Our experienced lawyers understand the law and know how to negotiate for the just financial compensation you deserve.
Contact us to schedule a free consultation with a Lake County burn injury lawyer. The attorney will review the facts, assess the value of your case, and guide you on your next steps. Let us fight for you.