Riding a bike is an excellent way to travel, exercise, and reduce your carbon footprint. While there are many benefits to cycling, bicyclists can also face serious hazards when sharing the roads with much larger passenger vehicles and trucks. Even if you follow traffic regulations and take every safety precaution, you are still at risk of suffering injuries and losses due to a negligent motorist.
A skilled personal injury attorney could help you understand your legal options if you were injured in an incident involving a careless driver. Call the Largey Law Firm to schedule a meeting with a Tavares bicycle accident lawyer to learn more.
Common Injuries Riders Sustain in Bicycle Crashes
Bikes lack a great deal of protection from collisions and the elements compared to cars and other vehicles. Because of this and considering the size difference between bicycles and automobiles, crashes involving bikers and motorists can often result in catastrophic harm to cyclists. Some of the most common injuries include:
Head and Facial Injuries
Cyclists commonly suffer serious head and facial injuries in crashes with cars. They sustain damage, including broken teeth, jaws, and noses.
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Bike riders are also vulnerable to suffering brain damage in crashes. Wearing helmets helps reduce the chances of severe TBIs, but concussions are still typical, even with protective gear.
Spinal Cord Injuries and Paralysis
Bicycle riders also have a significant chance of suffering spinal cord injuries in accidents. The damages can cause permanent disabilities, including paralysis.
In severe instances, an individual could suffer fatal harm. A compassionate Tavares bicycle crash attorney could help a family file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of their lost loved one.
Recoverable Damages in Bicycle Crash Injury Claims
If an injured party is able to successfully establish liability on behalf of a negligent driver, they could be awarded compensation to help them recover for their losses and damages. This amount will depend on the severity of their injuries and the ability to show how the events have impacted their life. Some of the things a court could award payments for include:
- Medical expenses
- Lost wages from missing work
- Emotional distress
- Pain and suffering
- A loss of enjoyment of life
A skilled Tavares attorney could review the details of a bike wreck and help determine why it happened and who should be held responsible. They can also help injured parties craft a settlement demand that adequately reflects their needs.
Florida Bicycle Rules and Regulations
Knowing and adhering to the rules and regulations of the road can help individuals avoid accidents. Florida Statutes § 316.2065 states that every bicyclist has the same rights and responsibilities as other motorists when using state roadways.
The laws include stopping at red lights and stop signs, traveling in the same direction as traffic, yielding to the right-of-way of other vehicles and pedestrians in crosswalks, and using a light while traveling at night. While bikers must adhere to these standard traffic laws, some additional regulations apply that are unique to cyclists, such as:
- Florida laws prohibit cyclists from carrying additional passengers unless the manufacturer equips the bicycle to carry them
- When carrying young children, they must ride in a state-approved seat equipped for a child of that age, and they must wear safety gear, including helmets
- When they are moving slower than other traffic, they must move as far to the left side of the lane as possible
- Bicycle riders and passengers under 16 must wear helmets at all times
- When a group of cyclists comes to a complete stop at a stop sign, a group of ten or less may proceed before letting other traffic go
Law enforcement officers have the legal right to issue traffic warnings and citations for failing to adhere to state bicycling safety regulations. A bicycle accident attorney in Tavares could go over the complete list of safety and traffic rules.
Schedule a Consultation with a Tavares Bicycle Accident Attorney
If a negligent motorist caused a crash and you sustained injuries, personal injury laws could entitle you to collect compensation. The team at Largey Law Firm is ready to help you through a difficult time. Call a hard-working Tavares bicycle accident lawyer today to begin reviewing the details of your case.